Vaccai Practical Vocal Method Accompaniments with Tenor (high) Vocal Line Added. With Transpositions matching Schirmer, Peters, Ricordi. Xavier Palacios, Piano, on Apple Music.CLICK ON THE IMAGE to listen to the tracks.
For Tenor (High). With Transpositions matching Authoritative Editions
36 Tracks
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Matching Schirmer Edition for High Soprano, Peters Edition for High Voice and Ricordi Edition for Soprano/Tenor.
Lesson I, The Diatonic Scale : Manca sollecita in D Major (Ed.Schirmer, Ricordi), E-flat Major (Ed. Peters)
Intervals of the Third : Semplicetta tortorella in G Major (All Editions)
Lesson II, Intervals of the Fourth : Lascia il Lido in A-Flat Major (Ed.Schirmer, Ricordi), B-Flat Major (Ed. Peters)
Intervals of the Fifth : Avezzo a vivere in E-Flat Major,(Ed.Schirmer, Ricordi) F Major (Ed. Peters)
Lesson III Intervals of the Sixth : Bella prova e d'alma forte in C Major (All Editions)
Lesson IV Intervals of the Seventh : Fra l'ombre in D Major (All Editions)
Intervals of the Octave : Quell'onda che ruina in D Major (All Editions)
Lesson V Half tones or Semitones : Delira dubbiosa in G Major (All Editions)
Syncopation : Nel contrasto amor s'accende in B-Flat Major (All Editions)
Lesson VII Runs and Scale Passages : Come il candore in A Major (All Editions) (3 Tempi)
Lesson VIII The appogiatura taken from above or below : Senza l'amabile in A Major (All Editions)
The Accaciatura : Benchè di senso privo in F Major (All Editions)
Lesson IX The Mordent : La Gioja verace in B-Flat Major (All Editions)
Different ways of executing the Mordent : L'augelletto in lacci stretto in G Major (All Editions)
Lesson X Introductory to the Grupetto or Turn : Quando accende un nobil petto in F Major (All Editions) (3 tempi)
The Grupetto or Turn : Più non si trovano in F Major (All Editions)
Lesson XI Introduction to the Trill or Shake : Se povero il ruscello in G Major (All Editions)
Lesson XII runs and Scale Passages : Siam navi all'onde in D Major (Ed.Schirmer), Ricordi, E-Flat Major (Ed. Peters) (3 Tempi)
Lesson XIII Portamento : Vorrei spiegar l'affanno in B-Flat Major (Ed.Schirmer, Ricordi), B Major (Ed. Peters)
Portamento The second way : O placido il Mare in A Major (All Editions)
Lesson XIV The Recitativo : La Patria è un tutto in D Major (All Editions)
Lesson XV Recapitulation : A la stagione de' fiori in A Major (All Editions)